Intuitive Eating Nutrition Counseling

Rediscover a Healthy Relationship with Food and Your Body

Understanding Intuitive Eating

Compassionate and Individualized Support

Comprehensive and Tailored Strategies

Trust your body’s internal wisdom to guide your eating habits.

We believe in the transformative power of intuitive eating. Our intuitive eating nutrition counseling is designed to help you break free from diet culture, cultivate a positive relationship with food and your body, and embrace a balanced and joyful approach to eating

Experience freedom from diet culture.

Top View of Coffee in a Mug in a cozy setting

Our Approach

  1. Rejecting Diet Mentality:

    We help you let go of restrictive dieting and shift away from external rules and judgments about food. Instead, we guide you to focus on internal cues and trust your body's innate wisdom.

  2. Honoring Hunger and Fullness:

    We assist you in reconnecting with your body's natural hunger and fullness signals. We provide guidance on mindful eating practices and support you in developing a deeper understanding of your body's unique needs.

  3. Exploring Food Satisfaction:

    We encourage you to find joy and pleasure in eating. We help you discover the foods that truly satisfy you and embrace a wide variety of nourishing foods without guilt or shame.

  4. Body Acceptance and Self-Care:

    We foster self-acceptance and body respect, helping you let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace your body as it is. Our counseling sessions focus on self-care practices that extend beyond food to support your overall well-being.

  5. Gentle Nutrition Guidance:

    While intuitive eating emphasizes tuning into internal cues, we provide gentle nutrition guidance to help you make informed choices that support your well-being. We focus on balance, variety, and moderation rather than rigid rules.

Man jumping joyously in street

Embrace Freedom and Joy in Eating

At Body Positivity Nutrition Counseling, I am dedicated to helping you break free from the dieting cycle and reclaim your intuitive eating journey. The mission is to empower you to develop a healthy relationship with food, body, and yourself, allowing you to experience greater freedom, joy, and overall well-being.

Take the first step towards intuitive eating. Contact me today to schedule a consultation and let me support you on your path to embracing a balanced and nourishing approach to eating.

Learn more about the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Here


Learn more about the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Here ~~